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Introduction to Galleries


Although most of these dresses are original designs, a few are adaptations of dresses from my own collection of vintage clothing. A touch of glamour is their common thread.. After years of glamour - less clothing, fancier pieces are creeping into popular fashion through the use of satiny fabrics, and sparkley detailing. But these are often paired with more down to earth jeans and skirts. In spite of the glitzy elements, a basic nod to a more casual fashion culture continues to prevail.

When we try on truly glamorous gowns, we are delighted by the sensuous romantic appeal of soft fabric and sumptuous designs. Having ignored the genre for so long, a degree of self conciousness lingers on our shoulders when we leave the private dressing room, and venture into a public space. Daring to take on such a change in personal style makes the uninitiated feel vulnerable. We are in the spotlight, somewhat exposed.

To compensate for this discomfort, and to offer some virtual protection, I have swathed the canvases in sheer fabrics. The transparent curtains offer a layer of defense from the public eye. However, like the veils of hats in the 1930s, they transmit conflicting messages. Although there is an illusion of distance, there's also a hint of come-hither mystery.

For the pupose of viewing the paintings, the canvases were photographed before adding the fabric. It can easily be removed.

Dresses Gallery

Bev's Bathing Suits

The bathing suits began as purely visual images. Their shapes were distorted when wet. I loved the bright colours and crazy patterns of suits hanging up to dry in various places - by the lake, on the clothesline, over a chair, on a sapling - wherever swimmers had decided to doff them!

Unexpectedly, one of the paintings became aggresive in nature. The suits took on the appearance of carcasses. A theme was developing, involving body image and the attitudes implied therein. In northern climes, after "fat pasty winters", women would try on THE SUIT with fear and trepidation, even questioning whether they should venture out in public. I actually overheard a woman say that she wasn't going to confirm any holiday plans until she saw how she looked in her swimsuit!

Are these icons? The amount of energy that many women put into the search for an acceptable bathing suit elevates that search to the status of quest. As I thought about the lunacy of this traumatic experience, my suits became bigger and bolder - some too big to fit the paper. They became more lighthearted, completely unapologetic, and simply...out there.

Bev's Bathing Suits Gallery

Bed Series

This was my first series, done in the 90’s. One painting led to another at an almost subconscious level. They were well received with both surprise and amusement. The images continue to puzzle me.
Bed Series Gallery


I have worked with textiles all my life, but it was the introduction to indigo dyeing which fired my imagination and led to making art pieces. Immersing fabric into a green dye bath and watching it turn blue from being oxidized when you take it out, is magical. I let the dyed fabric itself, tell me how to proceed with my creations. Finding inspiration this way can be a very slow process. Working as a volunteer at the Textile Museum of Canada has given me an appreciation for the role of textiles in the fields of art, fashion, history, geography, chemistry, psychology and economics.
Textiles Gallery


This selection of acrylic paintings spans 4 decades.
Paintings Gallery


I was introduced to etching at a summer course in the 80’s and fell in love with the intense multi levelled process, the studio atmosphere, and even the smell of the toxic inks! A beginner’s best laid plans could falter, but an unexpected image on a proof, could lead you in a more interesting direction, if you let it.
Printmaking Gallery